I first came up with the idea for Pangea Beanies while I was on a trip to Playa Gigante, Nicaragua, where my friends and I had partnered up with a non-profit called Surf For Life in order to build a school for less-fortunate kids in the local community.

We spent ten days in the local community, and it was amazing to see how the people in this small town were so happy surviving on so little. I spent my birthday that year giving back, which was probably the best decision I have ever made. Although I was very satisfied with my trip, I still felt discontented at the end of it. I quickly realized how privileged I was being born and raised in the United States, and with this privilege, it was my responsibility to give back to those who weren't as lucky as me. So, I remember asking myself "What more can I do?" and "How can I make a bigger impact?" These questions lingered in my head for about a year while I was completing my senior year at UC Davis.
One day I was talking to my roommate, after I had bought an American flag beanie. I asked myself "Why did I buy this?" My answer was simple: I love my country. My country has made me the person I am today, and I am proud to be an American. I also realized that others around the world probably feel the same way about their own countries.
I then asked "What if I created a website that sold nothing but beanies with all the different countries on them?" That would be kind of cool!
Soon after, my vision got even bigger. I realized there are a ton of kids who don't have the opportunity to go to school in these countries just like in Nicaragua. I remember this moment everyday, because it became clear to me how I could help the world. I would sell these beanies, and half of the profits from each purchase would go toward children's education in that country. I knew I was on to something.
My sister then recommended a name: PANGEA, like when the whole world was connected. From there PANGEA BEANIES was created. PANGEA BEANIES: UNITING THE WORLD ONE BEANIE AT A TIME.
I had no doubt in my mind that this idea would work. Over the next six months, I designed all 200 beanies with each individual flags embedded into them myself. Now everything is coming together.
I knew that if our supplier could get Mozambique done, they could get any of the other simpler flags done. After sending them my design, this is what they came back with:
Along with every order, I will give every single one of our customers a Certificate of Appreciation to show them how much they mean to us.

When you buy a beanie from us, you're not just buying a beanie. You are essentially helping us in our attempt to change the world. At this moment, we have 775 million illiterate adults, and as of 2010 there are 61 million kids who were not even enrolled in primary school. Only 2% of humanitarian aid goes to education. We are looking to change these statistics and to enhance the experiences of those children who may already be enrolled.
In our current times, society is facing many challenges, and some may ask: "Why children's education?" I know that as society progresses, we are going to face obstacles like never before. The mindset that has gotten us here will not take us where we are trying to go. The world is going through a lot of changes, and we need to equip and prepare our children for the challenges we will face tomorrow. Things may not get easier, so we need to get better, and with an educational platform for all, I believe we can do just that.